If the answer is Yes,
then please join us in our ITAL facebook page as we help students of Italian from the University of Texas improve their knowldge of Italian language and culture.
At this point they're completing the ITAL "mission one" which is listed at the end of the first video "Mia Zia Flavia" (center piece of our first educational module). Click here to see our modules.
We recommend to watch the video to be able to fully understand/appreciate the posts.
Once you do, join the discussion:
Read the posts that the students have made, and comment in those that you truly like. if you speak Italian and you see errors in their italian, then write your corrections.. that way they can learn from you. If you see errors in corrections that another person has already done, then please correct them both! = )
The student whose post has the most amount of honest activity (not only likes but comments), will win a beautiful picture taken in Italy by Romina Olson ($150 value)
We will also give the same prize to the person (non-611-student) who engaged the most with the posts.