Module 1
"Un Giorno nella vita di un Italiano"
There are Italians all over the world - most likely there are dozens, maybe hundreds, maybe thousands right in your city! This module was created in celebration of that thought, the thought that "Italy really happens everywhere!".
The Center Piece video of this module is "Mia Zia Flavia", a 10 minute documentary that provides different interesting topics of conversation that you can explore in class or in any group-learning setting. Read script before you watch to get familiar with all the words. You can also set up the "english subtitles" option on the Youtube CC, and toggle it back and forth with Italian. When used effectively, every video can greatly expand your vocabulary..
The Italian is slow for you to enjoy and understand. If you want to take things to a next level, we recommend to transcribe (write word for word) the content of every video.
Leave us your comments below.
If you have a question for Zia Flavia, write your comment on the Center Piece video. She will reply to the best questions once a month in a "blog" we'll post titled "Questions to Zia Flavia"!!
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