New year, new resolutions.
One of our top resolutions is to create a directory of everything Italian in our locality.
Well, to be more specific, “everything Italian” that we love and think ITAL members would love as well.
The list will include: Restaurants, Businesses, Services, Italian Products that can be found here, Monuments/Landmarks created by Italians, and list goes on.
If you want to help us build this directory, email us and let us know.
Each entry on the list will include pictures of the place/product, plus an honest review and other information that will help other ITAL members understand what that entry is all about.
In the email, explain to us why you feel you could be a great reviewer of Italian products. Every two weeks we’ll send folks on missions, such as “reviewing a restaurant” or “reviewing a product”.
If you are an ITAL member from outside of Texas, let us know as well if you want to participate and we’ll include entries from your location.
Remember as well that we’re always open to ideas for blogs, videos, stories, etc.
We would love to publish your work as well, just email us and let us know what you got in mind. Other than that, stay tuned for more regarding our Texan Italian directory. We are planning to start adding a few entries next week. So stay tuned.
